
Nov 5, 2012

The Finished Nursery

The process of making room for baby definitely took us some time but now that everything is in place we are so excited to share how it all turned out!
Sylas means "of the forest" so we decided to go with a woodland theme for his room. Jay and I already love different aspects of the woods so we were pretty excited to run with the theme and incorporate our love of things like woodland animals into his room. Here's a view of the finished room as a whole!
One of the biggest transformations was the paint. The room was grey before but for some reason that just didn't give off the "woodland" vibe ;0) so that was the first thing we changed. Then we brought in Vincent's old crib, and outfitted it in some mix and match bedding I picked out online. Everything that came as a set in the woodland theme I hated so with the help of, I was able to buy things separately and make up his "bedding set" myself! 
As will probably be the case for most of Sylas' young life, a lot of what made up his room was handed down from his big brother so after bringing in Vincent's old dresser, glider and changing table Jay and I took it upon ourselves to decorate the rest of the room with accessories that are just for him.  
Take his mobile for instance. We found the perfect branch the last time we were in Angel Fire that we strung from the ceiling and hung some sweet little creatures from. It may not play music or spin but it's unique and all his own. I think it makes it just a little more special than a store bought one.
Another handmade accessorie was this picture I drew.
I found this exact picture on and fell in love with the saying. But rather than spend the $24 for the print, I decided to freehand it myself. I popped it in a frame I already had and voila!
The other special accessorie came from our baby shower.
This bird house was used to house special notes from our guests that gave advice or just sweet words of encouragement to our baby boy. We plan on reading them to him after his arrival. That way he can hear for himself just how loved he already is :0)

Finally, and probably most important of all, we stocked his drawers and closet full of all his clothes!
This took forever by the way, but I'm so glad we got this part done because now he will be outfitted for the next year! As long as he grows relatively the same way Vincent grew he should fit in almost everything  because they were/will be born during the same time of year! Talk about money saver...

So there you have it. Sylas' room all ready for his arrival. Can't wait to rock him in the glider and introduce him to all of the little woodland creatures in his room. I hope he likes it ;0).