
Nov 13, 2012

38 Weeks!!

...and anxious anxious anxious!
more comfortable at this point because baby boy finally dropped, but SO anxious I can't even begin to explain! Every day that goes by without so much as a Braxton Hicks contraction I start to feel a little like he's never going to come. Luckily my weekly doctors appointments help by giving me updates on how I'm progressing and last week I learned that I definitely am - yay! Friday's appointment told us that I am now 70% effaced and 2 centimeters dilated. At the beginning of the appointment my doctor told me that I would more than likely go into labor around the same time I did for vincent - meaning only a couple of days early. But, after she checked me and we were about to walk out she said "well, I'll either see you at your next doctors appointment or in the hospital". I guess we'll all just have to wait and see!! Hoping at least for more good news about my progress at this Thursdays appointment, if nothing else ;0).

Just in case though, we've got our bags packed, the car loaded
and Sylas' bed all made up and ready for his arrival.
Can't believe another little will be sleeping in this bed SO soon - can't wait!

meanwhile, you could say we are taking advantage of these last few days as a family of three.
We decided Saturday that we really wanted to get out of the house and show Vincent something fun so we went to the Natural History Museum!
He had a blast and ran us around almost the entire museum in less than two hours.
Watching him be amazed by so many things made the entire experience so memorable and exciting for Jay and I. Plus I'm pretty sure Jay and I learned a few things ourselves. Definitely worth the trip!

Sunday we decided to continue the fun by taking a trip to Cottonwood Mall.
Vincent always loves riding the carousel there
and this time he got to ride the Choo Choo train too!
Hearing him say "choo choo" for the first time in that sweet little voice of his was SO worth the tears that flowed trying to get him off. It was a small price to pay for that kind of moments with our favorite guy.

More big plans coming next weekend if Vincent's brother decides he'd rather stay cozied up inside - horses and play time with some great friends are on the agenda for Saturday but we'll see!!!