
Dec 24, 2012

One Month with Sylas

There really are no words to describe how happy Jay and I are to finally have this sweet boy here and home. But to think he's already a month old... WOW! Time truly does fly. 
Sylas' first month started out with some unexpected time in the NICU at Presbyterian Hospital. But, despite the minor complications following birth, he really has been one spectacular little guy. Our little family feels even more blessed now that we're able to have him home and be able to take advantage of every moment to soak up his sweet self. And let me tell you, he has been so amazing! Until now Jay and I obviously haven't had any other children to compare Vincent to so we always thought he was a pretty easy baby. But Sylas.. he's a cinch! Always so content. Only getting upset when he's hungry or has a full diaper - which can happen at a moments notice at this age ;0) He sleeps through everything from the vacuum to random outbursts from his big bro and so far doesn't seem to mind the dogs nose sniffs on the top of his head at all. Most nights he also has at least one sleep session that lasts up to five hours and usually once he's eaten he is perfectly happy just laying in his bassinet all swaddled up and comfy until he goes to sleep himself - no fussing! A much different story from Vincent, thats for sure. Car seat rides are his favorite and he absolutely seems to love his snuggle time with his dad the most. Jay puts him right to sleep :0) - it truly is the sweetest.  
He recently had his first doctors appointment where he checked out perfectly :0). At two weeks old he weighed 7 lbs 12 oz and had already grown an inch making him 21" long! Baby's measurements are the best part of the "well check" appointments so I can't wait to see how he's grown at the next one! 
For now though, our days are consumed with feeding and changing diapers and lots and lots of snuggles. Jay and I are most definitely learning to balance and juggle the needs our new family of four requires but so far I have to say, it's much easier and natural feeling than I ever expected. This year Sylas definitely brought a whole new meaning to being thankful at Thanksgiving, when he was born, and is the newest and best christmas gift Jay and I could have received this year. Our one month and two year old holiday babies will forever bring so much EXTRA joy to this season.