
Apr 25, 2013

Five Months Big

Five months old and you're officially bigger than your photo companion. You fit in your six month clothes, though you've been wearing a lot of the same outfits because apparently your bro jumped right past this size so we don't have many things that fit you, and are just about ready to jump to size 3 dipes. You're growing so fast these days that every time you wake up from a nap I think you're heavier. You rollover like a champ (which your doc says is super early for a baby but that just reinforces your amazingess!!) and you just sprouted your first tooth!! I knew those mommy and daddy instincts were right when we thought there was one just about to show itself. Though you never acted fussy I'm so glad it has finally made it's debut. You're acting fussier now so maybe the right tooth isn't far behind?! Can't wait to see! 
You have more hair this month and your natural mohawk makes you look a little like Chuck Liddell. I always seem to find myself running my fingers through it -- something about how soft and fine it is makes me never want to stop. 

You found that you can reach your feet to your mouth and think that's more fun to chew and suck on than most things these days, though you would probably put almost anything in your mouth. 
Your SO close to sitting up by yourself but as your mom, i'm glad you don't yet. It gives me an excuse to hold you just a little bit longer and I'm not quite ready to give that up.

Your newest thing is screaming! Not in a "I'm mad/sad/frustrated" sort of way but more of a "let me hear myself" sort of way. And it sure is attention getting. You're starting to find your voice in this house that's for sure ;0). 

Your big brother, Vincent is one funny guy to you. He's started making you laugh and it's so much fun for all of us. Vincent is starting to go out of his way to make you giggle and your bond is starting to grow and show itself to all of us outsiders. He has mutual love for you now that you're interacting and every day he is sure to show you by covering you with all sorts of hugs and kisses. 
You're my favorite brothers ever. 

Food is another new thing this month. Rice cereal wasn't that exciting for you but bananas were. You got to experience them for dinner on your actual five month b-day and I was surprised to see how much better you did and how much you ate! Praying we have another good eater on our hands. But just a little bit sad that you're moving onto your next phase of eating. You're growing and changing and advancing so quickly I'm having a hard time keeping up this time around. I cherish the time I have with you now as a tiny baby and as a little boy who needs me to do everything for him. Who still has that sweet baby smell that I find myself savoring every single day -- I literally can't get enough. I can already tell you're eager to be big and I'm eager to see you that way but am SO hoping it doesn't all come too quickly. Just take your time being small, Silly Sylas. Don't grow up too fast! 
