
Dec 12, 2011

Christmas Joy

I'm not sure there is a better way to get into the Christmas spirit than attending a holiday themed ballet. In fact, it just might have to be a new tradition we start because we had such a wonderful time.

We had great seats.

And I had great company.

I just love getting to dress up and have an afternoon out with my hubby. He was such a trooper about the whole thing. I never heard him complain once, lucky me!! I think it's because he knew how excited I was to go. Ballet is the most amazing thing to watch. It makes me wish that I had loved it more as a child because that could have been me up there!! Ha.

Maybe one day I'll have a little girl who will appreciate it as much as I do now ;0)

Either way, it was a beautiful show and I'm so glad we treated ourselves to such a good time. It was worth it.

1 comment:

Dani said...

Kristen- this was a tradition that my mom and I did for years and years! Just seeing the poster makes me feel very Christmas-y ;-)The Point of Grace Christmas CD, A Christmas Story, has a lot of the music from the ballet on it and is one of our favorites!